
Pilot Preparedness

Pilot Preparedness Certificate Program


Tuition fee above includes the delivery costs of all courses listed in this Program Guide for the duration of the 9 month (2 semester) program

Program tuition may be subject to change without notice

Courses included in program delivery are subject to change without notice

Additional textbooks and supplies may be required for courses

If you are unable to meet all the requirements for the program certificate within the 9 months projected for completion, and you require additional time, instruction, and/or need to retake a course, you are financially responsible. The program is very individual – all instructors strive to complete the course within the minimum time allotted for the course schedule.

Please note: The total Pilot Preparedness Program tuition does not include hourly aircraft rates of the helicopter flight training program; this will be in addition to the $6,800.00. Please see the Helicopter Licence Program Guide for the total flight training program fees.